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Top 176 psychology theories related to parenting

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Here’s an extended list of key theories and approaches in child development and child-rearing psychology, grouped by their core focus areas. It combines major psychological frameworks and lesser-known ones that also influence child-rearing practices:

Developmental Theories

  1. Attachment Theory (John Bowlby)
  2. Stages of Attachment (Mary Ainsworth)
  3. Psychosocial Development Theory (Erik Erikson)
  4. Cognitive Development Theory (Jean Piaget)
  5. Moral Development Theory (Lawrence Kohlberg)
  6. Ecological Systems Theory (Urie Bronfenbrenner)
  7. Sociocultural Theory (Lev Vygotsky)
  8. Theory of Mind Development
  9. Lifespan Development Theory (Paul Baltes)
  10. Dynamic Systems Theory (Esther Thelen)
  11. Core Knowledge Theory
  12. Information Processing Theory
  13. Theories of Cognitive Dissonance (Leon Festinger)
  14. Theory of Multiple Intelligences (Howard Gardner)
  15. Identity Development Theory (James Marcia)
  16. Self-Determination Theory (Edward Deci, Richard Ryan)
  17. Social Constructivism (Jerome Bruner)
  18. Theory of Social Cognition (Albert Bandura)
  19. Developmental Niche Theory
  20. Imprinting Theory (Konrad Lorenz)
Top 176 psychology theories related to parenting

Behavioral and Learning Theories

  1. Classical Conditioning (Ivan Pavlov)
  2. Operant Conditioning (B.F. Skinner)
  3. Social Learning Theory (Albert Bandura)
  4. Behaviorism (John B. Watson)
  5. Cognitive Behavioral Theory (Aaron Beck)
  6. Theories of Positive Reinforcement (Skinner)
  7. Observational Learning (Bandura)
  8. Theories of Punishment and Discipline
  9. Response Contingency Theory
  10. Shaping and Modeling Theory
  11. Generalization and Discrimination Theory
  12. Behavioral Contingency Management Theory

Emotional and Psychological Theories

  1. Emotional Regulation Theory (James Gross)
  2. Self-Control Theory (Walter Mischel)
  3. Emotion-Focused Parenting (John Gottman)
  4. Affect Regulation Theory
  5. Theories of Grit and Resilience (Angela Duckworth)
  6. Theory of Emotional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman)
  7. Core Affect Theory
  8. Theories of Parent-Child Conflict (Diana Baumrind)
  9. Co-Regulation Theory
  10. Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Theory
  11. Attachment and Trauma Theory
  12. Emotion Coaching Theory (Gottman)
  13. Theories of Peer Influence and Emotional Support

Parenting Styles and Practices

  1. Parenting Styles Theory (Diana Baumrind)
  2. Authoritative Parenting Theory
  3. Permissive Parenting Theory
  4. Authoritarian Parenting Theory
  5. Neglectful Parenting Theory
  6. Helicopter Parenting Theory
  7. Free-Range Parenting Theory
  8. Gentle Parenting Approach
  9. Respectful Parenting Theory
  10. Positive Discipline (Jane Nelsen)
  11. Attachment Parenting (William Sears)
  12. Conscious Parenting Theory
  13. Holistic Parenting Theory
  14. Parallel Parenting Theory
  15. Tiger Parenting Theory
  16. Snowplow Parenting Theory

Educational and Pedagogical Theories

  1. Montessori Method (Maria Montessori)
  2. Waldorf Education (Rudolf Steiner)
  3. Reggio Emilia Approach
  4. Democratic Education (Alexander Neill)
  5. Constructivist Learning Theory
  6. Competency-Based Learning Theory
  7. Play-Based Learning Theory
  8. Direct Instruction Model (Engelmann)
  9. Scaffolding in Education (Bruner)
  10. Experiential Learning (David Kolb)
  11. Inquiry-Based Learning
  12. Cooperative Learning Theory
  13. Project-Based Learning (John Dewey)
  14. Zone of Proximal Development (Vygotsky)
  15. Metacognition and Self-Regulated Learning

Moral, Ethical, and Social Development Theories

  1. Kohlberg’s Stages of Moral Development
  2. Carol Gilligan’s Ethics of Care
  3. Prosocial Behavior Development Theory
  4. Social Domain Theory (Elliot Turiel)
  5. Moral Foundations Theory (Jonathan Haidt)
  6. Social Responsibility Theory
  7. Theories of Empathy Development
  8. Virtue Ethics in Child Development
  9. Altruism and Moral Identity Theories
  10. Character Education Theory
  11. Theories of Fairness and Justice Development
  12. Social Norms Theory
  13. Group Socialization Theory
parenting psyhology

Cognitive and Language Development Theories

  1. Theory of Cognitive Growth (Jean Piaget)
  2. Cognitive Acceleration through Science Education (CASE)
  3. Language Acquisition Device (Noam Chomsky)
  4. Bilingualism and Cognitive Flexibility Theories
  5. Theory of Narrative Identity
  6. Symbolic Interactionism
  7. Psycholinguistic Development Theory
  8. Theories of Executive Function Development
  9. Metalinguistic Awareness Development
  10. Dual Language Development Theories
  11. Fast Mapping Theory (Carey)
  12. Emergent Literacy Theory

Psychodynamic and Personality Theories

  1. Psychoanalytic Theory (Sigmund Freud)
  2. Psychosexual Development (Freud)
  3. Ego Development Theory (Erik Erikson)
  4. Object Relations Theory (Melanie Klein)
  5. Attachment and Separation-Individuation (Margaret Mahler)
  6. Jungian Child Development Theory
  7. Personality Type Theories (Jung, MBTI)
  8. Trait Theory in Child Development
  9. Theories of Defense Mechanisms in Children
  10. Humanistic Psychology (Carl Rogers)
  11. Self-Actualization Theory (Maslow)
  12. Core Conflictual Relationship Theme (CCRT) Theory

Theories of Peer Influence and Socialization

  1. Peer Group Socialization Theory
  2. Group Socialization Theory (Judith Harris)
  3. Social Identity Theory (Henri Tajfel)
  4. Peer Pressure and Conformity Theories
  5. Social Comparison Theory
  6. Theories of Friendship Development
  7. Sibling Rivalry Theory
  8. Social Integration Theory
  9. Theories of Status and Popularity in Peer Groups
  10. Cultural Learning and Socialization Theories
  11. Theories of Play and Social Interaction
  12. Group Dynamics Theory

Environmental and Contextual Theories

  1. Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory
  2. Social Development Theory (Vygotsky)
  3. Transactional Model of Development (Sameroff)
  4. Family Systems Theory (Bowen)
  5. Theories of Parental Influence on Development
  6. Developmental Contextualism Theory
  7. Home Environment and Learning Theory
  8. Theories of Neighborhood and Community Influence
  9. Cultural Capital Theory
  10. Acculturation and Child Development Theories
  11. Cross-Cultural Theories of Development
  12. Epigenetic Theories of Development
psychology theories related to parenting

Health, Well-being, and Risk Theories

  1. Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Theory
  2. Theories of Developmental Trauma (van der Kolk)
  3. Stress and Coping Theory (Lazarus & Folkman)
  4. Toxic Stress Theory (Shonkoff)
  5. Resilience Theory (Michael Rutter)
  6. Holistic Child Health Theories
  7. Theories of Child Nutrition and Brain Development
  8. Theories of Physical Activity and Child Development
  9. Sleep and Brain Development Theories
  10. Early Childhood Intervention Theory
  11. Theories of Risk and Protective Factors
  12. Developmental Psychopathology Theory
  13. Health Belief Model
  14. Social Determinants of Health Theory
  15. Behavioral Genetics Theories

Motivation and Self-Development Theories

  1. Intrinsic vs. Extrinsic Motivation Theory (Deci & Ryan)
  2. Theories of Achievement Motivation (Atkinson)
  3. Expectancy-Value Theory
  4. Goal-Setting Theory (Locke & Latham)
  5. Attribution Theory (Weiner)
  6. Fixed vs. Growth Mindset Theory (Carol Dweck)
  7. Competence Motivation Theory
  8. Mastery vs. Performance Orientation
  9. Theories of Grit and Perseverance (Duckworth)
  10. Delay of Gratification (Mischel)
  11. Future Time Perspective Theory

Miscellaneous Theories and Approaches

  1. Learned Helplessness Theory (Seligman)
  2. Hope Theory (Snyder)
  3. Parenting as Leadership Theory
  4. Theories of Play and Cognitive Development (Piaget)
  5. Attachment-Based Parenting Models
  6. Adult-Child Interaction Theories
  7. Gender Schema Theory (Sandra Bem)
  8. Self-Efficacy in Parenting (Bandura)
  9. Constructivist Parenting Approaches
  10. Reflective Parenting Model
  11. Child-Centered Parenting Theory
  12. Parental Involvement Theory
  13. Guided Participation (Rogoff)

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